Water Pressure Regulating Station Replacement
Dear Resident:
You may experience brief fluctuations in water pressure and/or have your water service temporarily shut off this Friday, February 21st, from approximately 08:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. The actual duration of the shut-off will depend on the conditions encountered. Replacing this PRV Station is necessary to ensure consistent water pressure in your home.
During the replacement, you may experience:
- Brief fluctuations in water pressure.
- Discoloration of the water coming out of your tap.
- Milky or cloudy, hazy, soupy, or foamy water (caused by air in the water lines)
Important points:
- No action is required on your part.
- If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at 760-247-9818.
Juniper Riviera County Water District